Floraterra "Sonoma Grown"

Who are you and what is your relationship to the company?       I am Kayleen Corpuz. I am a Sales Lead at Flora Terra and I am currently in charge of their instagram stories hopefully to one day take full charge of their social media!How long have you been in the cannabis industry ?      I have only been in the industry for almost 10 months! How did you get your start in the cannabis industry ?       My old roommate/best friend had an ex coworker who (at the moment) currently worked at Flora Terra and stated that she had been enjoying her time, so my roommate pushed me to apply for Flora Terra. Luckily they were willing to bring me onto the team and were patient while I was learning more about cannabis when first getting hired.How was your company formed ?       Flora Terra was formed because they wanted a different environment than what you would normally walk into when going into a dispensary. They wanted to give customers a space that was inviting, calming and educational.  They created a regular retail floor so others do not feel intimidated. You never feel rushed when walking in, and staff is always there to greet you as well as answer all your questions you may have.  What challenges did you face starting this company ?       There was a lot of intimidation being on the floor and trying to recommend the best products to your customers when still getting familiar with the industry itself. Luckily I was surrounded by super knowledgeable people who were willing to help me in any way they could. What advice do you have for people getting into the industry ?      Don't be afraid to let someone know that you do not currently have a lot of knowledge on certain products or even anything at all! (such as certain processes like the creation of concentrates or how to grow a cannabis plant) Everything is a learning process and there is so much information to take in. Do not let anyone belittle you for your knowledge because there is always room for growth! Ask questions, it never hurts to try and the least someone can say is no but there is always another person who is willing to help. What do you think the industry needs most to grow in this industry ?      Get rid of the people running these companies who are willing to tell you/ do whatever in order for them to thrive because they are money hungry. Actually put individuals in charge who are genuinely passionate about the plants and stand by/for what is right. We need less shady people and more who are compassionate. I am not saying all cannabis companies are this way but I am starting to notice that a lot are and we need more individuals who are supportive as well as have each other's backs. Who was your influence for wanting to be in the industry ?      My old roommate/best friend! When we were living together, she was working at a dispensary and I started to learn a little more about cannabis through her. It made me want to learn more as well as be a part of it. Where do you want your company to be in 5 years ?      Hopefully thriving and expanding their locations so that more people are able to experience this dispensary's unique lay out and wonderful staff.  Where do you see this industry going ?       My dream would be to see this industry thrive like the rest! There is so much more to cannabis than recreational usage and a bad reputation. I would love for the rest of the country to see the benefits that come from it! Tell us about a time you got too high or a funny story when you got high ?        When I used to work at the mall, I once took a black market edible before work not knowing how it would hit me later in the day. My dumb decision was to also eat it on a sunday which is one of the busiest days out of the week. I luckily shared the edible with another one of my coworkers so we were going through the same trip together. We had a chill morning since we were the only two opening together then as soon as we opened the gate the edible hit and the people flooded in! We both felt like we were on another planet but also had to keep our cool. We did not talk to one another whatsoever, only shared stares from across the store like a check-in "you good?" luckily time flew by faster than we expected but slow at the same time. I ended the work day without anyone noticing that I was high at all but the high itself followed me all day till I was able to pass out at home!